A program of the Bonner Soil and Water Conservation District, the Lake Assist program provides assistance to Bonner County residents on water quality concerns and suggestions on how to reduce pollutants to our abundant lakes, rivers, streams and groundwater.
Lake Assist
Do I Need A Permit?
When developing and making a decision in respect to your property, it is extremely important to know the local, state and federal laws related to land use. Often times these regulations seem cumbersome, but time and time again we see public health and natural resources threatened due to improper land management. Understanding the issues and regulations can save you a tremendous amount of money and time in the long run.
Potential costly issues include:
Neighborhood disputes
Contaminated drinking water and wells
Enforceable removal of homes, structures, and infrastructure
Degradation of wildlife habitat
Polluted waterways
Increase in aquatic plant growth
Check out the quick links to the left to find out more if you need a permit.
Permit Information links: