A program of the Bonner Soil and Water Conservation District, the Lake Assist program provides assistance to Bonner County residents on water quality concerns and suggestions on how to reduce pollutants to our abundant lakes, rivers, streams and groundwater.
Lake Assist
Curly-leaf Pondweed
(Potamogeton crispus)
Curly-leaf is a submersed aquatic plant that generally grows in 3-15 feet of water. In spring, curly-leaf pondweed can form dense mats that may interfere with boating and other recreation on lakes. Curly-leaf can also cause ecological problems because it can displace native aquatic plants. In mid-summer, curly-leaf plants usually die back, which results in mats of dying plants piling up on shorelines, this event is often followed by undesirable algal blooms. This is a result of the plants decomposing and adding excess nutrients in the water.
Like most invaders, curly-leaf pondweed is not native to North America. It was brought to the United States as a popular aquarium plant. Curly-leaf tolerates low water clarity and will readily invade disturbed areas. It is believed to spread from one body of water to another primarily by the unintentional transfer of turions carried on trailered boats and personal watercraft
Long-term management requires the reduction or elimination of turions to interrupt the lifecycle. Cutting can be effective, if the precautions are taken to retrieve turions. Ultimately, the most important action that you can take to limit the spread of curly-leaf and other non-native aquatic plants is to remove all vegetation from your watercraft before you move it from one body of water to another.

Curly-leaf pondweed